Ghana, Country of the Month - March 2010

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Country of the Month




  1. Serengeti National Park (the great migration), Tanzania
  2. Kruger National Park, South Africa
  3. Pyramids, Giza Egypt
  4. Rift Valley Lakes, Kenya.
  5. Kalahari Desert, Botswana
  6. Karnak Temple, Egypt
  7. Table Mountain, S. A.
  8. Atlas Mountain, Algeria
  9. Djoudj National Park, Senegal
  10. Goree Island, Senegal


ghana’s Ambassador to Japan
Ghana’s Ambassador to Japan.


  • 9. The Government remains committed to facilitating the creation of a business environment that balances the resuscitation and growth of local industries with operation of foreign business considered vital to the creation of a robust national economy. In this regard, encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit of the private sector and adding value to exported products remain a critical focal area of Government. At the same time, to foster industrial harmony, negotiations are ongoing between Government and organized labour towards improved welfare scheme and realistic wages for workers.
  • 10. Considerable progress has also been made in such critical areas as education and health delivery, agriculture as well as growth-promoting infrastructure investment. With specific reference to the agricultural sector, which engages about 70 percent of Ghana’s labour force, the Government has underlined its commitment to modernize the sector. Investment across the agricultural value chain with the view to attaining self sufficiency in food production in the long run remains a central focus of Government.
  • 11. While all these initiatives would by no means contribute eventually towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the broad economic vision of Ghana is to progress into a middle income status over the next decade. However, the choices that Ghana has to make on the way to this goal, against the backdrop of the challenges of globalization can only be successful with the continuing support of our development partners and friendly countries such as Japan.
  • 12. The commemoration of this auspicious occasion presents a unique opportunity to acknowledge, once more, with deep gratitude, the immense assistance extended to the Government and People of Ghana by Japan over the years. The foundation of the historical ties that bind our two countries and peoples was laid by Dr. Hideyo Noguchi, an illustrious son of Japan who went to Ghana in the late 1920’s to conduct medical research into yellow fever. Formal diplomatic relations between Ghana and Japan which were forged in the period immediately following Ghana’s independence have witnessed phenomenal growth with expansion incorporating new areas of cooperation to the mutual benefit of the two countries. These warm relations have, over the past decade been characterized by exchange of high-level visits.
  • 13. Japanese Official Development Assistance has contributed in no small measure towards complementing the national development efforts of Ghana. Critical sectors of the Ghanaian economy, including agriculture, health, education and infrastructure have all benefitted from Japanese support. Initiatives launched by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are impacting positively on the lives of Ghanaians in a variety of ways. The Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD), the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), capacity building programmes and related rural development projects are but only a few of JICA’s interventions. Equally worthy of recognition is the invaluable contribution of the Japanese Youth dispatched annually to Ghana for volunteer service, whose passion and selfless devotion to duty in Ghana have brought the peoples of the two friendly countries much closer. We remain convinced that Ghana can continue to count on the unfailing support of Japan in the years ahead to partner her in achieving our national development aspirations.
  • 14. On the global scene, the common values and aspirations shared by Ghana and Japan provide the platform for the two countries to enjoy excellent cooperation and mutual support on many initiatives at various multilateral fora. Intensified collaboration between Ghana and Japan is needed, more than ever, to deal with the emerging formidable challenges that confront our world today.
  • 15. Japan’s engagement with Africa, particularly within the framework of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) is laudable. The outcomes of the TICAD IV Summit in 2008, including the adoption of the Yokohama Action Plan which focuses attention on the priority issues of accelerating the pace of economic growth and development in Africa clearly demonstrate Japan’s renewed interest to expand the scope of cooperation with the continent. The commemoration of this historic day comes against the backdrop of the visit to Africa by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan. This welcome development gives additional boost to Japan’s desire to deepen her partnership with Africa.
  • 16. The presence in Ghana of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince reinforces the warm, cordial and friendly relations between Ghana and Japan and bears testimony to the growing confidence that Japan has in Ghana’s leadership and the country’s nascent democracy. The momentum that this high-level visit is expected to generate should spur the peoples of Ghana and Japan to continue to work assiduously to lift their relations to higher pedestal. In this endeavour, the organized private sector has a crucial role to play in deepening the commercial dimension of our relations. Ghana believes that Foreign Direct Investment remains the catalyst for accelerated economic development. To this end, a special invitation is being extended to Japanese business and industry to invest in very promising sectors of the Ghanaian economy where good returns on investment are guaranteed. These sectors include agriculture and agro-processing, manufacturing, eco-tourism, mining and the services sector. The recently discovered offshore oil fields in Ghana which will begin pumping oil in the last quarter of this year should serve as good news for companies desirous of investing in the energy industry, namely the oil, gas and related upstream sector.
  • 17. The reasons for choosing Ghana as an investment destination in Africa are obvious – a stable democratic political system, human capital, responsive legal system, improved telecommunications and infrastructural facilities all provide a viable environment for doing business. Other major attractions are the highly competitive incentives for investors and Ghana’s positive economic indicators such as declining inflation, lower lending interest rates and an efficient financial services sector.
  • 18. While extending fraternal greetings to all my compatriots in Japan on our anniversary, my special appeal to you is that, let us use the occasion to reflect on the way forward as we strive collectively to build a Better and Prosperous Ghana anchored on a united and common vision.
  • 19. I take this opportunity to renew our heartfelt gratitude to the Government and friendly people of Japan for contributing to another successful year for Ghana. My sincere thanks also go to The Japan Africa Net Publisher for allowing me to address its faithful readership through this medium, with the generous support of friends of Ghana.
  • 20. We look forward to working towards increased collaboration between Japan and Ghana for the mutual benefit of our two countries and peoples.
  • 21. Long Live Ghana-Japan Relations
  • Country of the Month, December 2009 Kenya
  • For more information on Kenya: Kenya
  • Country of the month November: Angola
  • Country of the month October: Nigeria

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